Antenatal Education Sessions For First Time Parents

Antenatal Education Sessions For First Time Parents

This six-hour course is the complete antenatal education package.  With up-to-date evidence and knowledge of regional unit guidance, these sessions will provide you with information to make your own choices for your baby’s birth.   These are flexible to your own requirements but generally topics chosen by couples are:

  • Getting ready for the birth (your last trimester)
  • Optimal fetal positioning and active birth
  • Place of birth options, including homebirth and waterbirth
  • Coping at home in the early stages of labour
  • Pain relief options
  • The process and stages of birth
  • Induction of labour (including natural methods of induction)
  • What happens if assisted delivery or caesarean section is needed?
  • Bringing baby home and caring for a new-born baby

Infant feeding can be added to this course but will need a further two hours (ask for details).

You can choose from face-to-face sessions at your home or at a private therapy room in North Somerset, or virtually (at a discounted price), at a mutually convenient time (normally 2x three-hour sessions, but can be adapted to suit you as a couple).  Normally from  34 weeks of pregnancy.

All sessions come with overview handouts, a review of how complementary therapies can support a healthy pregnancy and birth, a 100ml bottle of mixed aromatherapy oil (of your choice) and a completed personalised birth-plan.

Please note these courses can be adapted for couples who use BSL (sign-language) or non-English speaking parents to be (interpreters necessary).

Antenatal Session Info (PDF)

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