Are You Having a Caesarean Section?

Are You Having a Caesarean Section?

Caesarean section is sometimes required for certain medical or antenatal complications, or at times, parents opt for a caesarean section for their baby’s birth.
A two-hour personalised birth-planning session for caesarean section will provide you with:

  • Planning ahead for your baby’s birth
  • An understanding of the process of caesarean birth
  • Your birth-choices with this mode of delivery – ‘gentle caesarean’
  • Completing your birth-plan
  • Reviewing the first few hours after caesarean section
  • Taking baby home after caesarean section
  • Taking care of yourself after caesarean section
  • More information on the practicalities prior to, during and after caesarean section, with the opportunity to complete a personalised birth plan to achieve a ‘gentle caesarean section’.

These sessions can be undertaken at your home, in a private therapy room in North Somerset, or virtually.
A 15 minute free virtual consultation can be arranged prior to booking an appointment to make sure this session is for you.
Please bring your handheld maternity records with you;  consultation cannot be undertaken without full assessment of your pregnancy.

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